7 Ways To Balance Work and Everyday Life

7 Ways To Balance Work and Everyday Life

In our world today, an average young adult has a lot on their plate. It can be very difficult for them to draw a line between their work life and everyday life. Striking a balance between work and life requires conscious effort and dedication. But our goal here is balance. Here are 7 ways to balance work and everyday life.

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Avoid Unnecessary Activities

Most times, we are drawn to activities that stop us from focusing on more productive tasks without even knowing it. Some of these activities include checking personal mail, surfing the net, and scrolling through social media pages. To bring balance to how you allocate time to certain things both at work and outside, you must audit your daily activities and spot the least productive. Cutting back on the time you put into these activities can help you maintain balance.

Know When to Say “No”

No matter how nice of a person you are, saying “no” does not make you a mean person. You must realize that you cannot commit to everything or else you will burn out. Most times, it can be difficult to say no, especially to your superior at work. Knowing when to say no brings a level of balance between your work and your life. When you are always willing to undertake tasks, you will get overwhelmed by the workload on the long run. This will also lead to stress and decreased productivity. So reassess your commitments and make sure you have time before taking on additional tasks.

Set Boundaries and Withdraw 

The digital age has made it possible for employees to have assess to their work even on their mobile devices and laptops. Although it serves the purpose of making work flexible, it keeps employees plugged in round-the-clock. So they take work home and check mail outside the scheduled working hours instead of waiting for the next working day. Setting boundaries on your availability outside working hours is very important. Learn to leave work at work and face other things at home. Avoid taking work home and when necessary, only attend to urgent matters from home.

Read more: 5 Ways to Create a Work Arrangement That Works for You

Balance Your Schedule

It will be difficult to strike a balance between work and life when you don’t factor both in your schedule. Always revise your schedule and create room to unwind outside work. A calendar can help you keep tabs on this arrangement so your work doesn’t eat into your personal time. You can mark special personal time off your calendar to make room for it.

7 Ways To Balance Work and Everyday Life

Define Your Core Values

When you define what is more important to you in life, it becomes much easier to draw the line between work and life. Take time to identify what you desire and enjoy the most. Review every area of your life and make sure it matches your core values.

Do Things You Like

It is funny how the hobby captured in your CV becomes a past tense in your life as soon as you land your dream job. It is important to take out time to do the things you love. It can be reading for 30 minutes or taking a long stroll down the street for an hour. When you take just a few minutes off work for alone time, it boosts focus and reduces anxiety. With this approach, you can handle both your individual needs and other responsibilities.

Adopt Healthy Habits

Your diet plays an important role in stress management. A balanced diet boosts your immune system, lightens your mood and reduces blood pressure. It is very important to have quality sleep. After a stressful day at work, you need time to recharge both physically and mentally. Sleeping for longer duration at night keeps you energized and productive. This approach boosts your mood and productivity. Ultimately, it prepares you to take on more responsibilities.

7 Ways To Balance Work and Everyday Life


With these 7 ways to balance work and everyday life, you can be sure of leaving the path of constant exhaustion and frustration. This usually results when you are constantly overwhelmed and pay little or no attention to your life outside work. A right balance is all it takes to handle both work and life effectively without suffering loss.


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