5 Ways to Make Your Solo Travel An Adventure

5 Ways to Make Your Solo Travel An Adventure

Have you ever imagined travelling during a holiday and having no one in mind to join you? Your friends might have other schedules that don’t match your adventurous travel ideas. Then you sit back, wondering if solo travel will be any fun. But it is not bad if you go on a solo travel adventure. You need all the alone time to unwind from the work mode, plus you don’t want to be stuck with the same friends all your life. Now ideas are welling up. Do you need more? Follow these 5 ways to make your solo travel an adventure

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Choose Off-season Trips

Solo travel planning for the off-season can be a great idea. Even though you can travel anytime, off-season trips help you save funds. Not only that, you wouldn’t have to worry about booking a space in a restaurant weeks ahead. So you can easily walk into a restaurant and enjoy your meal without haste. Since there will be no rush and many people packed in a place at the same time, you are more likely to make friends and chat with people.

Check into a Small Hotel

This is one of the adventure travel hacks that can help you meet people. You are more likely to meet people in a smaller hotel compared to a big one or even a resort-type hotel. Depending on how long you spend, you will always meet same faces as you go for your meals. So it is easier to strike a conversation and also get more adventure travel ideas.

Be Open to Learning

One way you can keep your self entertained on a solo trip is to learn new things. A solo travel adventure would open you up to learning new things. You can do this by always going along with others, checking out the facilities in recreational areas around you, touring around the city, or sight-seeing around a beach.

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You might as well choose to sign up for karaoke contest, learn how to swim or learn songs in the language of your host city. These activities will help you meet new faces all the time and make new friends out of them.

Go for an Excursion

Engaging in adventure activities with your new-found friends can foster bonding, especially when it is within a small group. A local tour around your vacation city would make a lot of sense. It could be the amusement parks, hiking on the mountain, jungle tours in the forest reserves, pool parties in recreational centres, and lots more. The more time you spend in the same group, the more opportunity you will have to start conversations, learn more about people you just met, and forget you are alone.

Go for Group Travel

If you still feel like your solo travel experiences won’t be much fun, you can decide to join a group on their group tours. There are lots of options to choose from. You can equally decide which group to join based on your hobby or interest. You can choose a game tour for chess, Scrabble or even Monopoly players.

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Or a mountain hike or cultural travels. Since everyone else makes the decisions on a group tour, you might have some restrictions. But you wouldn’t worry about solo travel planning. The burden of planning your transportation, accommodations, and all other logistics will be lifted off of you. Then you will have enough time to meet new people and enjoy your trip.

You can be sure of a travel experience worth the while when you follow the above 5 Ways to Make Your Solo Travel an Adventure. In addition to the fun, you will not have to break the bank.



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