Big news for travelers as United Airlines is adding trans-Atlantic flights soon. United Airlines says it is “redoubling” efforts to avoid a repetition of the mayhem witnessed this year by travelers to Europe. It aims to increase its trans-Atlantic operations next summer.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!From London to Amsterdam, understaffing resulted in agony at the airports. There were mountains of baggage, hours-long lineups, passengers chilling their heels at the airports, and missed flights.
According to United CEO Patrick Quayle, “We’re also working very closely with the actual airports in Europe to make sure that they can handle our passengers and handle the additional flights at the appropriate times…”
“…getting everyone with their bags on time, every time.”
Quayle stated, “We’ve really kind of stepped up our efforts to make sure the process is smoother.”
According to him, the summer 2023 United timetable will have three new cities and four new city pairs. Plus increased frequency on other routes.
The three additional cities are Stockholm, Sweden; Malaga, Spain; and Dubai, Middle East.
The airline said that its transatlantic itinerary was 30% greater than in 2019 and 10% more expensive compared to 2022.
United Airlines is adding trans-Atlantic flights: concerning passenger caps
Limits enforced by airports to lessen the inconvenience have occasionally forced airlines, like United, to reduce their flying.
This Monday, London Heathrow said that it would remove its monthly passenger limit. And it would “get back to full capacity… as soon as practicable.”
The cap in Europe should be lifted, according to United’s Quayle, well before the trans-Atlantic expansions begin in the spring of 2019.
At one airport, the troublesome Schiphol in Amsterdam, his expectations might be dashed.
Long regarded as one of Europe’s most effective and prestigious airports, the ongoing pandemonium there since the spring is being fueled by labor shortages.
The troubled airport, which will be the third busiest in the world for international passenger numbers in 2021, has continued to reduce flying capacity and intends to impose a cap on travelers through the beginning of 2023.
The Dutch parliament has declared its intention to minimize emissions and noise pollution at the airport by further limiting the annual maximum number of flying moments from 500,000 to 440,000.
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