Summer comes with hot temperatures and working or playing in the heat can have adverse effects. You need tips to prevent heat stroke during summer. Staying out for long during the summer period can expose one to overheating. This can result in heatstroke and the victim would need immediate medical attention.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Heat exhaustion usually comes before heat stroke. Its symptoms are moist skin with goosebumps in the heat, intense sweating, faintness, dizziness, tiredness, rapid pulse, headache and nausea. When these symptoms are not treated, it can lead to a more threatening condition, heat stroke. Heatstroke surfaces once the body gets to a temperature of 104 degrees or more. It shows the following symptoms but not restricted to: confusion, altered speech, nausea, fast breathing and racing heartbeat.
Here are some tips that can help prevent heat exhaustion and ultimately heat stroke.
Put on Loose and Light Clothing
Putting on tight and thick clothing stops your body from cooling properly. You need an outfit that can allow you to gulp in all the fresh air that you need.
Shield Against Sunburn
Sunburn stops the body from being able to cool itself. While outside, protect yourself from direct exposure to sun rays. Use wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses and also use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Use sunscreen on your body regularly. You can do this at two hours intervals or more, especially when you are swimming or sweating.
Take Plenty of Liquids
When you take enough liquid, it regulates your body temperature and helps your body sweat.
Read more: 5 Unusual Signs of Dehydration You Might Be Overlooking
Be Careful with Medications
Find out from your healthcare provider what medications can make your body dehydrated and hold back heat. Avoid such medications during the summer period for your safety.
Stay Ventilated
Most heat-related deaths in children are caused by suffocation inside a car. When your car is packed under the sun, the temperature can go up to 20 degrees Fahrenheit in less than 20 minutes. It is a threat to leave anyone in a car or even a pet. Even if the window has a crack or the car is packed under a shade.
Avoid Stress
If it is not possible to stay away from stress during hot periods, make sure you take enough fluids and relax in a cool spot. Fix your workout routines or strenuous activities during the cooler part of the day like morning or late evening.
When there is a change in weather, you body takes a couple of weeks before it can readjust. Cut down on the time you spend exercising or working under the heat until your body adjusts. Those who are exposed to high risk of heat related illnesses are those who have not adjusted to the hot weather.
Take Caution
If you are under any medication or suffer a condition that exposes you to the risk of heat-related problems, stay away from heat and seek medical advice when you notice any sign of overheating. Make provisions for medical services if you engage in demanding sporting events or activities in hot weather, in case of heat-related emergencies.
Heat stroke requires urgent medical attention. It can lead to the damage of brain, heart, kidney and muscles when it is not treated. The more you delay treatment, the more you widen the risk of complications or even death. The following tips to prevent heat stroke during summer can help you stay out of trouble.
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