online learning platforms


Online learning platforms are platforms that deliver instructions to students in one place

They provide lectures, educational content, and opportunities to meet and interact with other learners.

This form of learning might involve individual learning where learners learn at their pace or group learning where everyone learns together.

Most of these online learning platforms allow you to take a course for free and pay for your certificate by the end of your course.

Examples of online platforms



Alison is an online education platform that provides certificate courses, and accredited diploma courses and teaches workplace skills

It was founded on 21 April 2007 by Irish social entrepreneur Mike Feerick

Alison offers over 3000 courses such as health and fitness, business studies, computer programming, languages, etc.

Alison’s certificate is acceptable worldwide.

online learning platforms


Duolingo is an educational free app that offers you the opportunity to learn different languages from anywhere.

It was founded in 2021 by Louis Von Ahn and Severin Hacker

You can attain fluency in Duolingo when you spend two months learning easy languages and four months learning a difficult language.

online learning platforms

The Open University:

open university was founded with the mission of making education available to all regardless of distance.

Open University is located in the United Kingdom, and it was founded in the year 1969 by Harold Wilson, Jennie Lee, Michael Young, and Walter Perry

The open university offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses in different disciplines such as law, humanities, arts, business, etc.

online learning platforms

Canvas Network:

canvas network is an online platform that offers free online courses taught by educators.

It offers courses such as Aviation, growth mindset, integrating STEM, etc


Edx is an online course provider founded by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on May 2012

They partner with prestigious universities and organizations such as Berkeley and Microsoft

Edx offers free courses, but you have to pay if you want access to graded tests and certificate.

Courses you can learn on Edx are data science, humanities, business, etc.

Edx’s mission is to increase access to education for everyone.

online learning platforms


Codecademy is an online platform that provides free coding class.

If you are interested in coding then Codecademy is the best site to learn to code because it offers 9 programming languages

Codecademy is limited because it does offer you real-time projects to work

To build a portfolio, you need real-time projects which is why Codecademy Pro is available, it allows you to work on real-time projects.

online learning platforms


Online learning platforms are important because they offer free courses, offer you a certificate that’s widely accepted.

It bridged the gap between the rich and the low-income earners as these course videos were created by professors from high-ranking universities and organizations such as Harvard and Microsoft

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